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Participants’ Conference: Saturday and Sunday, August 2-3, 2014


In order to facilitate a further exchange of ideas and research, a participants’ conference will be held the weekend before the seminar begins.









Participants’ Conference Schedule


Location: Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center (1st Floor of Gumberg Library)

Saturday, August 2nd and Sunday, August 3rd, 2014



Presenters are each allotted twenty minutes of reading time plus ten minutes for question/answer.



Saturday, August 2nd


Session 1: Formalism in Phenomenology 10:00-11:30am


Alexander Gorman – Duquesne University

Cavaillès and the Legacy of Phenomenology


David Pena-Guzman – Emory University

Synthesis Without Subjectivity: A Phenomenological Reading of French Historical Epistemology


Justin Humphreys – New School for Social Research

Husserl on Symbolic Mathematics and the Problem of Formalization


Session 2: Political Theory and Subjectivity: Badiou and Deleuze 11:45am-12:45pm


Jan-Jasper Persijn –  Ghent University

Is the need for representation in politics inversely proportional to its emancipatory potential? On Badiou’s revolutionary conception of metapolitics


Gil Morejón – DePaul University

The Time of Residue and Excess: Political Subjects in Deleuze and Badiou


Lunch 12:45-2:45pm


Session 3: Lacan, Plato, and the Structure of the Real 2:45-4:15pm


Jennifer Wang – New School for Social Research

Beyond the Sinthome: Unconscious and Structure after Lacan


Jeff McCurry – Duquesne University

Experience Beyond Experience: Lacan on Jouissance Beyond Desire


Gabriela Gomes Costardi – University of São Paulo

Symbolization and Formalization: Two Readings of the Relationship Between the Act and the Real in Psychoanalytic Cure


Session 4: Metaphysics, Emergence, and Totality 4:30-5:30pm


Chris Drain – Villanova University

Agentive Emergence and the Ontology of the Event


Joshua Heller and Jon Cogburn – Louisiana State University

Post-structuralism, Speculation, and Paradoxes of Totality



Sunday, August 3rd


Session 5: Aesthetics and the Anomalous 10:00-11:30am


Aleksandra Lukaszewicz Alcaraz – Academy of Art in Szczecin

The Epistemological Function and Ontology of Analog and Digital Images


Jeff Lambert – Duquesne University

Beyond Monstrosity


Clayton Bohnet – Duquesne University

The Topper Falling Off: Lacan and Badiou in Steinbeck’s In Dubious Battle


Session 6: Badiou: Logic, Science, Structure 11:45am-1:15pm


Amrit Mandzak-Heer  – Villanova University

Abstract or Concrete Formalization: Badiou on Syntax and Semantics


David Maruzzella – DePaul University

The Torment of Philosophy: Badiou’s Appendix to “Mark and Lack”


Becky Vartabedian – Regis University/Duquesne University

Excess, Excrescence, and the Possibility of Resistance


Lunch 1:15-2:45pm


Session 7: Subjectivity, Life, and Possibility 2:45-4:15pm


Michael O’Neill Burns – Loyola University Maryland

Transcendental Materialism and Materialist Humanism: Subjectivity Between Life and Concept


Søren Rosendal – Aarhus University

The Possibility of Possibility: Hegel and the Form of Necessity


Session 8: Logic and Sexual Difference 4:30-5:30pm


Danny Smith – Penn State University

The Logic of Lacan’s Formulas of Sexation


Elisabeth Paquette – York University

Alain Badiou and the Feminine


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